Mazagine Article Part 2
Question # 49391 | Psychology | 9 months ago |
$35 |
Please look at the attached TASK ADVICE- This is part 2 of the assessment.
**1000 words
1. Theme -Well-being and Individual Differences
2. Core theory: PERMA Theory- (Well-being and individual differences will be explored using PERMA theory)
3.INDIVIUAL TOPIC: Theraputic effects of music influencing individual differences
**You will need to USE the "Operational Definition" (provided in the Task Advise in your article - relating it back to your chosen topic and theme).
REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES *** Use and acknowledge the sources for your images (like you
see in magazine articles) - you can do this in your reference list or directly
under the picture, up to you **** Creative use of fonts to be used (other
than Times Roman) be creative, as it should look like a magazine
and be visually engaging