Self-Management Behavior Change Project Part 4
Question # 49395 | Writing | 9 months ago |
$20 |
Part 4: Midway Data Collection & Reflection (50 points)
You may not begin the behavior change portion of the project until I have approved your proposal from part 3!!!
What you will submit:
Daily data from the Implementation Tracking SheetLinks to an external site., a graph of your data to date (see graphing instructions below), and a discussion of how things are going. You should have approximately 3 weeks of implementation data (not including baseline). You should also respond thoroughly to the prompts below.
Now it’s time to implement the next phase of the shaping change plan- Social Accountability! Start utilizing the tracking sheet with the social accountability component. Keep following your initial shaping plan to increase your desired behavior and/or decrease your undesired behavior. While you follow your plan, you must track your behavior using the Implementation Tracking SheetLinks to an external site.. You can, and should, modify your plan if needed (if it is not effectively helping you to meet your current daily goal). If you fail to modify your behavior and you do not attempt to modify your plan to be successful at modifying your behavior, your final grade on the project will be negatively impacted.
- Begin to follow your self-monitoring and shaping plan exactly as planned and complete the Implementation Tracking Sheet Links to an external site.every day.
- At the top of each sheet, copy the exact behavior and operational definition that you used during baseline tracking onto the implementation tracking sheet. Please also note the reinforcer(s) you’re using, as well as quantities (e.g., if you are earning TV time - how much?).
- Each day:
- Complete the first three columns exactly like you did during the baseline phase of the project
- State what your current requirement for reinforcement is based on your plan. This should be what you must do to receive reinforcement not your reinforcement. E.g., “sleep at least 7 hours”, “study for at least 30 minutes” (this should follow your shaping plan from part 3)
- Also respond to the last columns - please be honest in your self-reflection because this will help you determine why you were or were not successful
- As needed: Revise your plan if you are not following it as written for 2 days in a row or if you are not meeting your current requirement for reinforcement for 3 days in a row.
- You should meet the requirement for reinforcement for the step you are on for at least 3 days in a row before you move to the next step.
- This means that you should stay on the current step until you have met the requirement for 3 days in a row (not 3 days total), e.g., you met your goal on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday; then you go to the next step on Saturday.
- This also means that you should not change steps based on an arbitrary day (e.g., every Monday) because you might not be ready to move on to the next step yet or you may have been ready to move on to the next step much earlier and you delay your progress by waiting.
- Remember, when you are using shaping, the reinforcer remains the same during each step. You only change the requirement to receive reinforcement.
- During week 5 you will notice an extra column on the Implementation Tracking SheetLinks to an external site.. During this week you will incorporate social accountability to your self-monitoring and shaping procedure. Each day you should share your results with a trusted family member, colleague, or friend and ask them to confirm that you met or did not meet your goal for accessing reinforcement. If you both agree you have met your goal, then you can have access to your preferred reinforcer. If you both agree you did not earn your reinforcer, you can choose a lesser preferred replacement reinforcer, if you disagree, then reinforcement is not available.
- You should submit an update graph with your progress added to your baseline data. You must include a phase change line (where baseline ended and intervention started and intervention changes) as well as titles for the intervention phases (ex. Baseline and Interventions)
Sample Graph with Progress (including phase change line and intervention phases titles)
Please respond to the following questions:
- Please note the status of the shaping plan (this could be the same as you wrote in Part 3, or it might have been revised a bit).
- How is data collection going? Are you consistently meeting your goals? If so, why? If not, what are some of the obstacles you are encountering? BE HONEST!! You will not lose points for saying that you sometimes got ahold of the reinforcer when you shouldn’t have or forgot to earn the reinforcer etc. That’s all part of the process! But if you are having trouble keeping away from the chocolate or remembering to earn the candy, talk about what you can do to fix that moving forward. Be sure to address each of the following:
- Is the reinforcer effective enough? If not, why not?
- Is the shaping procedure too hard? Too easy?
- Is your overall goal realistic?
- What changes, if any, do you think you should make to help you achieve success? Be detailed and be specific - if you are changing something, tell me why. If not, talk about why not.
- Please reflect a bit. How has the process been? Has it been easier/harder than you thought it would be? Has anything surprised you?
Sample tracking sheet for changing how long a behavior happens
Behavior: Sleeping
Operational Definition: Hours and minutes per day when I am fully asleep as determined by memory of last time I was aware of the time until the time I woke up (lying in bed awake does not count).
Sample TrackingDay of the week
Tracking (…)
Current requirement for earning reinforcement
Did you meet the current requirement to earn reinforcement? (Yes or No)
Did you provide yourself with the reinforcer? (Yes or No)
At least 7.5 hours
At least 7.5 hours
At least 7.5 hours
At least 8 hours
At least 8 hours
At least 8 hours
At least 8 hours
Sample tracking sheet for changing how often a behavior happens
Behavior: Biting nails
Operational Definition: Each time I catch myself biting a nail or cuticle.
Sample TrackingDay of the week
Tracking (…)
Current requirement for earning reinforcement
Did you meet the current requirement to earn reinforcement? (Yes or No)
Did you provide yourself with the reinforcer? (Yes or No)
= 15
< 10 times
= 10
< 10 times
= 5
< 10 times
= 10
< 10 times
= 10
< 8 times
= 5
< 8 times
IIII = 4
< 8 times
Important Notes: You’ll notice that both of these students did not always follow their plan.
- Sometimes when they did not do the behavior required to earn their reinforcer, they still gave it to themselves. *If you find yourself doing this more than once, change your plan to something you will be able to follow.
- Sometimes when they did the behavior required to earn their reinforcer, they did not give it to themselves. *If you find yourself doing this more than once, change your plan to something you will be able to follow.
- If you find that you have gone two days in a row without meeting your current goal, change your current goal to be more obtainable and then shape to your final goal.
- You are expected to show through completion of this project that you can use the principles of operant conditioning to change your behavior. So, if needed, you should change your plan as necessary. Refusing or failing to change your plan if you are not successfully meeting your behavioral goal, will negatively impact your grade on this project. I encourage you to chat with me about any changes to your plan, although this is not required. You will need to talk about any changes made during the last steps of the project, so keep track of any changes you made during the implementation phase.
- We do not reinforce ourselves/people, we reinforce behavior. Please check your language!
Grading Rubric for Part 4 (50 points possible)
RubricGrading Rubric for Part 4 (50 points possible)
0 points
5 points
8 points
10 points
Data collection
Missing data and graph, or 1 week of data but no graph
At least 1 week of data but not graphed correctly,, or 2 weeks of data and no graph
At least 1 week of data and graph, or 2 weeks of data but not graphed accurately
At least 2 weeks of data and graphed accurately
Tracking sheet
Data collected incorrectly using the provided sheet. Some data are missing
Data collected mostly correctly using the provided sheet. Almost all columns are completed.
Data collected correctly using the provided sheet. All columns are completed.
Revisions to plan
Student should have revised plan but did not
Student could have made changes but opted to stay the course
Student analyzed progress and made changes to plan as necessary.
Summary of revisions
Rationale for revisions was unclear. If no changes were needed, that decision was not justified adequately
Rationale for revisions was stated but could have been more clear. If no changes were needed, that decision was justified adequately, but could have been stronger.
Rationale for revisions was clearly stated and appropriate. If no changes were needed, that decision was accurately justified.
Shaping plan was not implemented acceptably - student either moved on when they should not have or failed to move when they should have.
Shaping plan was implemented acceptably - student usually moved on to the next target level when appropriate and usually remained where they were when appropriate, but missed a few places
Shaping plan was implemented appropriately - student consistently moved on to the next target level when appropriate and remained where they were when appropriate.