500260_A23_T2: International Law [only need 4,000 word essay]
Question # 49406 | Law | 9 months ago |
$80 |
Assessment Details
Assessment Details
This module has two assessment components, a 4,000 word essay, and a 500 word "Scrapbook" assignment.
Please read the Assessment Briefing Document here.Download Please read the Assessment Briefing Document here.
Scrapbook Assignment
The Scrapbook assignment is intended to provide an introduction to the topic of international law, and to encourage you to think about contemporary international affairs critically and from a legal viewpoint. The assessment involves identifying a current news topic with an international law dimension, and then writing a short explanation of what international law issues are engaged by the story. Further guidance on completing this assessment will be provided shortly.
Assessment Documents:
The Scrapbook Assessment specification Download The Scrapbook Assessment specification
The Grading Descriptors for the Scrapbook assessmentDownload The Grading Descriptors for the Scrapbook assessment
The submission deadline for this assessment is Wednesday 13th March at 4.00pm.
Coursework/Essay Assessment
The essay assessment will involve answering a question on a topic of international law. This will be a critical essay, and you will have three questions to choose from. You should answer only one of the questions.
Assessment Documents:
The Essay Assessment QuestionsDownload The Essay Assessment Questions
The Law School Grading Descriptors for Essay QuestionsDownload The Law School Grading Descriptors for Essay Questions
The submission deadline for this assessment is Wednesday 15th May at 4.00pm.
Formative Assessment
Each of the assessments will have a formative assessment exercise. These are as follows:
For the Scrapbook assessment, discussion in class.
For the Coursework/Essay assessment, this will take the form of provision of written feedback on an outline or abstract. Further details about this can be found on the Getting Formative Feedback on your Assessments page.
Assessment Regulations
The assessment regulations can be found in the University's Quality Handbook on the University web site in the Key Documents section. You should also complete the MyJourney courses on the Student Handbook and the Assessment Handbook
The essay should follow the department’s guidance on referencing, using OSCOLA. A guide is available on Canvas, and training on referencing and essay writing will be provided by the Skills Team. The essay must be submitted electronically through Canvas/Speedgrader. Paper copies will not be accepted. Feedback will be made available in Canvas/Speedgrader.
Please be aware that deadlines are strictly adhered to, and late submissions will be subject to penalties. If you have valid reasons for delay, you must seek an extension in advance using the appropriate application forms. Your Academic Support Tutor can help you with this should it become necessary. Extensions are only granted where there are valid reasons, such as serious illness. Please see the What to do if you can't submit on time page for more info. Please note that the module staff are not able to grant assignment extensions.
Where an essay exceeds the permitted length, the part of the essay that exceeds the word limit will not be marked.
Please also ensure that you are familiar with the rules on plagiarism and unfair means. It is your responsibility to ensure that your work is properly referenced and does not present others’ work as your own. Penalties for unfair means include failure in a module, and potential termination of studies.
Assessment Procedures
For assignments to be submitted to Canvas/Speedgrader, work should be submitted to Canvas by 16.00 hours on the submission date indicated on the module Canvas site. Please note that a submission will be considered late even if it is only a few seconds after the published deadline, so allow plenty of time to submit your work.
Please be aware that the University has in place a standard system of penalties for work that is submitted late (after the submission deadline) and assignments that are overlong (in excess of the published word length). Please see the ‘Assessment procedures for written examinations and coursework’ section in your Student Programme Handbook for details.
Reassessment Procedures
Should you fail to pass the module at the first attempt then you will be required to resubmit the failed element(s) of assessment. The resubmission will be capped at the pass mark (40% for Undergraduate). You will normally be required to resubmit an improved version of your original assessment.
Deadlines and further information about the reassessments will be communicated by the Faculty office.
Assessment Instructions
Instructions for your assessment submission are set out on the module Assignments section on Canvas.
Please note the following instructions for submission of your essay:
- Please only submit ONE document to the submission point.
- Prior to submitting, please ensure your assessment includes a header containing the following information:
- Your student number
- Relevant module code and module name
- Assessment name (example: Individual Assignment)
- The word count of your assessment
- If Student Support Services have authorised you to use a reasonable adjustment cover sheet, please ensure you include this at the front of your submission. If you do not have a copy of the cover sheet, please contact the Student Hub using the contact details at the bottom of the page. Please note if you use this cover sheet without authorisation, this is considered an attempt at using Unfair Means and will be taken forward as a matter of misconduct.
- Your submission must not be in a Pages file format. You can still create your submission using Pages on your Mac or iOS device but the Pages document must be converted prior to uploading your work. Failure to convert the Pages file means we will be unable to mark your work and you will receive a mark of zero for the element.
- Failure to submit work by the stated deadline will result in late penalties being applied in line with University Regulations. Please see your programme handbook on the Student Information Canvas site for further details on late penalties.
- Please note, if you make multiple submissions of the same assignment, the latest submission will be the file that is marked. Important - if this was submitted after the deadline then standard University late penalties will apply.
- If you have any questions in relation to the submission process, please contact the Faculty of Business, Law and Politics Student Hub. You can contact the Student Hub by raising an enquiry in the MyHull Portal (my.hull.ac.uk), selecting ‘talk to us’, ‘ask a question’ and ‘contact my faculty’. If you have any questions about the assessments not dealt with on this page, please contact Dr Massarella