MED7363 Critical Evaluation [Assessment No.: 2]
Question # 49410 | Writing | 9 months ago |
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Assessment Brief Details
Module Title: Communication Planning and Action
Module Leader: Kelly O’Hanlon Credit Value: 20
Module Code: MED7363 Occurrence: A
Academic Year: 2023/4 Semester: S2
Assessment No.: 2
This Assessment accounts for 30% of the overall assessment for the module.
Assessment Title
Critical Evaluation
Core Task
You will write a critical evaluation of 1,500 words (+/- 10%) that analyses the campaign you developed for your first assignment (PR Campaign Proposal and Pitch Presentation) from an independent academic standpoint.
You must discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your PR approach and, where relevant, identify ethical, professional, or practical issues.
Your critical evaluation should draw on the key themes of the module and make specific reference to relevant theories, including PR planning models. It should adhere to academic conventions and must include a bibliography, but this element is excluded from the word count.
You should also include a short section on your personal professional skills and development, with clear goal setting.
Where to find additional guidance for this task
Your module tutor will launch the assessment during class in week 1 and there will be regular reminders and guidance provided as the module progresses. Week 11’s class will be a dedicated module wrap-up and assessment workshop, during which past student examples will be shared and discussed.
All assessment-related documents can be located on the module’s Moodle page, underneath the ‘Assessment’ section.
Submission date
Submission details
The submission time is 3pm on the submission date.
Please upload your work via the submission point located under the ‘Assessment’ section on Moodle.
Work submitted late is subject to late penalties which are set out in the Late Submission of Assessment Policy available on the BCU website:
Feedback date
Marking Criteria
Learning Outcome: Reflect critically on public relations activity by employing a developed appreciation of theory and industry debate
Criterion 1 (weighting 75%): Critically analyse and evaluate the approach and effectiveness of your PR Campaign Proposal and Pitch Presentation, making effective links to PR theory and planning, supported by referencing
Little or no critical analysis based on minimal reading and application of theory, not delivered in academic format with very poor referencing.
Poor critical analysis based on minimal reading and application of theory, not delivered in academic format with poor referencing.
Weak critical analysis based on shallow reading and application of theory, not delivered in academic format, including limited referencing.
Effective critical analysis based on relevant reading and application of theory, generally delivered in a suitable academic format, including adequate referencing.
Good critical analysis based on relevant reading and application of theory, delivered in a suitable academic format including good referencing.
Very good critical analysis based on wide and thorough reading and application of theory, delivered in a suitable academic format including very good referencing.
Excellent critical analysis based on wide and thorough reading and strong application of theory, consistently delivered in a suitable academic format including strong referencing.
Outstanding critical analysis based on wide and thorough reading and excellent application of theory, consistently delivered in a suitable academic format including excellent referencing.
Criterion 2 (weighting 25%): Critical personal reflection upon personal skills and professional development including goal setting
Negligible evidence of productive personal reflection and professional development.
Very little evidence of productive personal reflection and professional development.
Limited evidence of productive personal reflection and professional development.
Adequate evidence of productive personal reflection and professional development.
Very good evidence of productive personal reflection and professional development.
Comprehensive evidence of productive and insightful reflection.
Thorough evidence of highly productive and insightful reflection.
Significant evidence of highly productive and insightful reflection.
Re-submission Assessment Brief
(ONLY required if you fail the
Assessment Brief above)
You should contact your Module Tutor before attempting this re-submission Assessment Brief
Assessment Title
Critical Evaluation
Core Task
You will write a critical evaluation of 1,500 words (+/- 10%) that analyses the campaign you developed for your first assignment (PR Campaign Proposal and Pitch Presentation) from an independent academic standpoint.
You must discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your PR approach and, where relevant, identify ethical, professional, or practical issues.
Your critical evaluation should draw on the key themes of the module and make specific reference to relevant theories, including PR planning models. It should adhere to academic conventions and must include a bibliography, but this element is excluded from the word count.
You should also include a short section on your personal professional skills and development, with clear goal setting.
Where to find additional guidance for this task
Your module tutor will launch the assessment during class in week 1 and there will be regular reminders and guidance provided as the module progresses. Week 11’s class will be a dedicated module wrap-up and assessment workshop, during which past student examples will be shared and discussed.
All assessment-related documents can be located on the module’s Moodle page, underneath the ‘Assessment’ section.
Re-Submission date: 18/07/2024
Re-Submission details
The submission time is 3pm on the resubmission date.
Please upload your work via the resubmission point located under the ‘Assessment’ section on Moodle.
Feedback date: 15/08/24