Essay 2
Question # 49415 | English | 8 months ago |
$10 |
In a literary response, you write about your opinion of the story. You do so by finding relevant topics or themes in the story and writing your opinion on those aspects of the story. Elaborate as much as you can. Remember, it is your opinion, but make sure you back up what you say with quotes from the story.
Make sure that your quotes do not exceed more than 10% of your entire essay.
You will write a full 3 page literary response essay on “Strong Temptations”. Write about the themes that are found in the story. You may write about different themes, however, you must back up each theme with quotes from the story.
For example, you can choose to write about the theme of temptations and how they can turn people into victims. If you choose this theme, then make sure you select several quotes from the story to back up what you say.
You may also write about the following themes:
n Childish innocence
n Why do people fall into temptations?
n Why is something that is hard to get more tempting?
n The exploitation of others through deceit
n The promise of a gain when in reality people are getting enslaved
You may also write about your own themes, but again, you must back up each argument with quotes from the story.
IMPORTANT: You may write about more than one theme. I would advise you to do this since you will have more to write about.
Make sure to:
n Use MLA format (Your name, class, professor’s name, and date on the top left corner)
n Your last name and page number on the upper right-hand corner
n Place an original title in the middle
n Write it in a Word document
n Double spaced
n Size 12
n Times New Roman
This essay will be submitted through a plagiarism checker so be advised.
The rubric and story are attached below.