small assignments
Question # 49457 | Writing | 8 months ago |
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1.2 | Science of Psychology Discussion ( 1 page required)
Introduction and Alignment
The scientific method is the foundation for how we study human behavior and human mental processes. Human behavior includes all overt actions and reactions, whereas mental processes refer to our covert, internal activity. A General Theory of Love explores the science of human emotions, including the implications of human relationships from parent and caregiver, to society and human. The intention of A General Theory of Love is to outline how we think of love and to define relationships.
Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:
• Discuss how the scientific inquiry approaches the inner workings of humans.
• Chapter 1, A General Theory of Love.
Supplemental Resource
• Using Logic in Writing Links to an external site.
• Chapter 1, General Psychology: An Introduction Links to an external site.
Assignment Instructions
After completing this week’s reading, prepare a reaction. Create an initial post that is two paragraphs with a thesis statement, transitional phrases, and a conclusion. If you are unfamiliar with these terms, you may want to read this article first, Using Logic in Writing
Links to an external site.
Ensure the following points are addressed:
1 Introduce yourself to the class, including what program you are starting and what you hope to get out of this course.
2 Select one of the following questions to answer:
◦ What were your initial reactions to the first chapter?
◦ Explain one key takeaway of Freud and the psychoanalytic model of understanding emotions.
◦ Explain one key takeaway 20th century and modern neuroscience model of understanding emotions and why.
◦ Explain one key takeaway of the relational model of understanding emotions and why.
1.3 Research Methods Infographic
Introduction and Alignment
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Psychologists employ the scientific method because they want to be precise and to measure as carefully as they can. Psychologists test research questions using various research methods. Research methods can be broken down into two main areas: correlational methods or experimental methods. Understanding research methods may seem dry and useless for individuals who do not wish to conduct research of their own. However, understanding research methods and designs has many useful implications for everyday life. Understanding research methods and designs allow you to become a better consumer of information such as news reports and can aid in personal decision-making. For this assignment, you will describe the various research methods from the research module and create an easy to understand, visual representation of correlational and experimental designs.
Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:
• Describe the various research methods that psychologists use to enhance our understanding of human behavior and mental processes.
◦ Chapter 2, General Psychology: An Introduction.
◦ What is an Infographic?
◦ What are the 9 Types of Infographics?
◦ Sourcing Information for an Infographic
Supplemental Resources (Optional):
◦ Google Drawings Overview
◦ Introduction to Design an Infographic for Google Design
◦ Set-Up Infographic
◦ Find and Add Information to Infographic
◦ Add Icons
◦ Example
Assignment Instructions
After reading Chapter 2 in General Psychology: An Introduction and the information on how to construct an infographic using Google Drawing (or another infographic tool), you are ready to begin constructing an infographic regarding research methods.
Your infographic should include:
• a title
• a section explaining why understanding research methods are important
• a section with text explaining correlational research:
◦ including describing positive and negative correlations
◦ including describing the magnitude, or strength of the relationships
◦ including describing the limitations of correlation
• a section with text explaining experimental research:
◦ including describing variables
◦ including describing the importance of random assignment
◦ including describing confounding variables, and other outside influences that affect experiments
• three icons
• use the format from Sourcing Information for an Infographic- You do not need to provide a reference for information from the required readings. Provide a reference for any icons or pictures that you may use (simply adding a statement such as “Found on Google Images” will suffice).
1.4 | Historical Achievements of Women & Persons of Color (2 pages)
Introduction and Alignment
The historical relevance and achievements made by males in psychology is often the centerpiece of a General Psychology course. Males are displayed as the driving force behind the science of psychology and its advancements towards modern times. However, throughout psychology’s history, there are many women and persons of color who made critical contributions to this field. Unfortunately, the achievements of women and persons of color are often under-discussed in introductory psychology courses and within assigned readings. For this assignment, you will be a part of building an online repository for figureheads within this field that are often unrepresented. An online repository is a collection of scholarly documents or entries provided and maintained by a single university, in this instance Southern Nazarene University. Entries for this assignment will be similar to that of entries found in an encyclopedia.
Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:
• Outline the key contributions of women and minorities in psychological history.
• SNU Library
• Feel free to use these sources, but you are not limited to these:
◦ Women in Psychology Timeline Links to an external site.
◦ The History of Women in Psychology Links to an external site.
◦ 10 African and African American Psychologists You Should Know Links to an external site.
◦ 5 Women of Color You Should Know Links to an external site.
Assignment Instructions
For this discussion, you will select a single woman or person of color who made critical contributions to psychology and construct an entry that will be added to the online repository. This person can be from any time in history, from the inception of the field to today. Your post should be similar in form and function to that of an encyclopedia entry. Entries should be objective and neutral analyses that offer a broad perspective of the person rather than advocate a point of view. Authors should see their mission as that of introducing other introductory students to their person. Please be mindful that each student should select a different person for their entry.
• Title of Entry, including the name of the person selected
• Image, if available
• Brief history, including any biographical information
• Educational history
• Career highlights
• Key contributions to the field of psychology
• Share your source.
1.5 Outline of the Triune Brain ( 1 page)
Introduction and Alignment
The concept of the triune brain was introduced in the 1960s by a notable neuroanatomist named Dr. Paul McLean. This model proposes that the brain has three main components and that there are primitive and modern sections of the brain. The progression of how the brain developed is useful for psychologists and laypersons because this model proposes how and why emotions may have developed. Understanding our emotional landscape can help us connect, communicate, and understand the world around us.
Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:
• Outline the anatomical progression of the brain.
• Chapter 2, A General Theory of Love.
Supplemental Resource
• Chapter 3, General Psychology: An Introduction.
Assignment Instructions
After reading Chapter 2 in A General Theory of Love, you will create a 1-page outline for the development of the triune brain. You will not need any additional sources to complete this assignment.
Your outline should include the following:
1 Introduction to Triune Model:
1 Theorist
2 Any historical context
2 The Reptilian Brain:
1 Functions and structures
3 The Limbic Brain:
1 Functions and structures
4 The Newest Brain:
1 Functions and structures
5 Implications and Limitations for the Model.
Introduction and Alignment
Sensation and perception are some of the oldest research areas of psychology. Sensation is the process of experiencing our world through sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. At the most fundamental level, our sense organs are converting real-world stimuli to electrical information for our brains. For this assignment, you will create your own team of superheroes by pretending it is possible to magnify the abilities governed by the senses.
Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:
• Demonstrate important anatomical aspects of the visual, auditory, olfaction, and somatosensory systems.
• Chapter 4, General Psychology: An Introduction.
Assignment Instructions
Science fiction writers are always searching for good ideas for plots that will capture the interest of their readers. A common premise during one particular era of science fiction movies was that radiation somehow altered biological processes, transforming normal human beings into superhumans – some good and some evil. One such example is the Incredible Hulk who, through a laboratory accident, developed superhuman strength that manifested itself when he was angry.
After you have considered the components and functions for the sense you choose to alter, give your imagination free rein as you explore the kinds of alterations that might fit the demands of a superhero’s life. What challenges would allow your superhero to demonstrate their exceptional abilities? Think creatively! A minimum of 1 page is required.
You will need to include the following components for this project:
1 Super Hero Details:
1 A superhero (give your superhero a name – be creative).
2 Describe the super ability.
3 Indicate how this could be possible biologically* (cite relevant facts about how the sense operates normally and what changes have occurred).
4 Describe your superhero’s vulnerability; what diminishes his/her special powers? *All super abilities must be biologically possible/plausible. For example, you may propose changes in the range of stimuli to which the system responds, but you may not propose things such as having a lateral line system or an extra eye.
2 Create an archenemy for your superhero (all good superheroes need an enemy).
1 Give your archenemy a name (be creative) and describe how your archenemy defeats your superhero’s super ability.
2 This should include giving your archenemy a superpower of their own or a device created by the archenemy.