Life in the Law: Career and Personal Development: [ Reflective Portfolio]
Question # 49483 | Law | 8 months ago |
$35 |
You will need to submit a Reflective Portfolio containing the following:
- Skills Development Record
- Career Research Record
- Personal Development Plan
How is the portfolio assessed?
Life in the Law Reflective Portfolio
Skills Development Record
Career Research Record
Personal Development Plan
You will need to upload your Reflective Portfolio as a single word document using the template document provided. Template Reflective Portfolio- Skills Careers and PDP Sem B 24-1 (3).docxDownload Template Reflective Portfolio- Skills Careers and PDP Sem B 24-1 (3).docx
- The Skills Development Record is populated with 10 skills that you must describe, evidence, and reflect on.
- We expect to see at least 10 entries in the Career Research Record. In the Career Research Record you may have more than one of the same types of activity, for example, two separate careers events that you have attended.
- Your PDP should follow from your Skill Development Record and Career Research Record and be forward looking.
- Your PDP should contain at least four goals relating to development of skills and/or career research and should cover the next 6-18 months. Please ensure that your plan is SMART i.e. actions are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time based. Check each of your goals, actions, resources, success criteria and target dates to ensure they are SMART. Please use short bullet points throughout.
- In both records you can use examples from your work for and during the Life in the Law module, as well as examples from other modules, co-curricular activities, careers talks and events (including online resources) and paid and unpaid work experience, including part-time jobs.
There is no word limit for the reflective portfolio. However, please refer to the example career development entry in the reflective portfolio template and the document 'Assessment guidance information and criteria' as a guide for the amount of content per entry ( a few sentences in each box of every row).
The assignment you submit on your canvas account must be your own work which you have planned and written independently. For further advice on academic integrity and/or how to use Turnitin, consult the LLB academic integrity page.
If you do not pass the Life in the Law module, you will be asked to resubmit your Reflective Portfolio, amended to take into account the feedback on your previous submission.