NURS 3045 Primary Context Presentation Assessment 2 [17 slides will be ok]
Question # 49515 | Writing | 7 months ago |
$60 |
Assessment 2
Single 60% of Course Total Objectives being assessed:CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5, CO6
Title Team work
Length 3000 words equivalent
Due date - 24 May 2024, 5:00 PM
(Adelaide Time) Submit via
Re-Submission No
Re-Marking yes
A2 Presentation
Further information on re-marking and re-submission is available in the academic policy, AB-68 P4 Re-marking
and Re-submission Procedure
Assessment 2: Presentation (60% of final grade)
Assessment description: Development of a Primary Health Care (PHC) Initiative
Assessment two (2) requires you to plan and evaluate a comprehensive primary health care initiative. This
assessment requires you to develop a video and use PowerPoint slides.
By successfully completing this assessment you will be meeting the following Assessment Learning objectives:
CO 1. Explore the application of primary and public health policy, concepts and principles to nursing practice.
CO 2. Explore the role of the registered nurse in health promotion and provision of health education to
individuals, groups, communities and populations.
CO 3. Develop a client-centred health promotion/health education strategy that addresses social, political,
cultural and environmental determinants of health and the immediate problems facing an individual, group,
community or population.
CO 4. Evaluate the outcomes of health education and health promotion strategies for individuals, groups,
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communities and populations.
CO 5. Critically analyse the challenges of meeting health care needs of rural and remote populations.
CO 6. Evaluate the contribution of the registered nurse to effective inter-disciplinary teamwork in the
management of clients in primary health care settings.
Assessment Instructions
Create a 15–20-minute video using a PowerPoint presentation to discuss the health issue you identified in a
LOCAL Australian community and target group's health problem.
You can design your own comprehensive primary health care initiative OR you can re-design/adapt an existing
program or initiative to a comprehensive primary health care initiative into Australian context BUT your initiative
MUST address your identified LOCAL community and target group’s health problem.
The minimum list of slides for your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, should include the following headings:
1. Title
2. Acknowledgement of Country or Welcome to Country.
3. Introduction
4. Aim or Goal
5. Health Promotion Approach
6. Health Strategies and Principles
7. Evaluation and Outcomes
8. Reflection
9. Conclusion
10. References
AI must not be used at any point during the assessment. In line with the University of South Australia's
university policy (AB - 69 Academic Integrity Policy, p.2), presenting and/or submitting academic work for
assessment or review produced through generative artificial intelligence tools will be considered a form of
academic misconduct
An oral or voice-over video presentation involves developing and recording a 15–20-minute video presentation
(camera on - showing you presenting with your face either on slide or in the corner of screen) in response to the
following areas:
1.Introduction: Introduce yourself, including Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome to Country. Explain
the purpose and structure of the presentation including local Australian community target groups health
problem, location, health problem statement and the comprehensive primary health care initiative.
2. Aim/Goal: Using ALL of the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely) criteria state
the aim/goal of the comprehensive primary health care initiative.
Note: For more information see the required readings and resources provided in Topic 7 under 'Introduction to
the planning & evaluation process'.
3. Health Promotion Approach: Use course materials and Phillips’ (2019) article to identify the most
appropriate health promotion approach that will address your identified individual's health problem. Briefly
describe why this is the most appropriate approach to support your comprehensive primary health care
initiative. NOTE: The reading by Phillips (2019) will inform this section (available in the e-readings for Topic 2).
4. Health Strategies and Principles: Using the World Health Organisation (1986) Ottawa Charter action areas:
a) Outline your comprehensive primary health care initiative health strategies (minimum of three (3) strategies
with actions). These health strategies must relate to your initiative’s aim/goal and health promotion approach.
B) Identify the most appropriate alignment each of your health strategies with a primary health care principle
(equity, access, empowerment, community self-determination or intersectoral collaboration), and one of the
WHO (1986) Ottawa Charter basic prerequisites (enable, advocate or mediate).
c) Briefly discuss why this is a comprehensive primary health care initiative and how it is relevant to nursing
NOTE: A health strategy is a general plan of action to address the health problem. Ideas for strategies can be:
1) behavioural/educational/empowerment (developing personal skills); 2) environmental (supportive
environments); 3) community action (medical/preventive/empowerment/social change); 4) re-orientate health
service and/or 5) Affiliated to Healthy Public Policy (social change)
5. Evaluation and Outcome : Using the Healthcare Improvement Scotland (2017) article, for each health
strategy identified in question 4:
a) Identify the most appropriate evaluation methods, aspect, actions, tools, timeline with short-term outcome
for each of the health strategies, which will assist with evaluating the comprehensive primary health care
initiative. Note: Consider how can this initiative be best evaluated? The short-term outcome must align with a
initiative’s health strategy and support achieving your initiative aim or goal. This can be presented using a table
6. Reflection: Using Ingham-Broomfield (2021) article (found in Topic 8)
a) Choose a reflective model in practice from the article.
b) Apply your chosen reflective model tou reflect on your learning with THREE (3) areas within this course
(NURS 3045), this is to be comprised of:
- TWO (2) subtopic areas in NURS 3045 primary health care, and
- ONE area on designing a comprehensive health care initiative (Assessment 2) that has enhanced your
understanding of primary health care.
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c) Briefly describe why these THREE (3) areas will enable you to practice using a primary health care
7. Conclusion: Summarise the specific health problem, relevancy to target group, nursing practice and how the
comprehensive primary health care initiative will address the target group’s health problem and be evaluated.
8. References: This assessment MUST contain a slide/s with a comprehensive list of references at the end of
your presentation. You need to integrate course readings and quality academic sources. Students are expected
to adhere to APA 7th referencing guidelines. Note: In-text referencing is required on the power point slides, and
a reference list needs to b e provided at the end of the presentation.
9. Oral Presentation Style & camera on: You will be assessed on clear, well-paced speech, presentation
style, conciseness of presentation of all assessment criteria and video recording length (time frame 15-20
minutes). Student camera is to be on during presentation and student video image is seen in the corner or on
the side of slides during the entire presentation of this assessment.
10. Writing and Presentation: Microsoft PowerPoint slides: text used in the slides should be an appropriate
size and readable by the audience; appropriate length; colours of the background enhance the readability of the
content; the content is well spaced with emphasis on headings and sub- headings; use of pictures/graphs/other
support material is clear (and referenced); and use of academic writing, inclusive language, structure and
Submit your assessment in TWO files via this learnonline site which are:
1. Assessment File (Microsoft PowerPoint), for assistance, please follow the learnonline Student Help
instructions - Assessment: Submit Assignment Files.
2. Video Assessment - Your assessment requires you to produce and submit media such as video, this course
has been set it up so that you can submit via the Media Library. The media library will accept common digital
video formats such as MP4, WMV, MOV etc and this is done seamlessly because of the way that this tool is
integrated with learnonline and knows the difference between a regular and media assessment. It will
automatically provide you with the correct interface to upload your media assessment. Please follow the
learnonline Student Help instructions - Assessment: Submit a Media Assignment that will demonstrate how to
upload a media assessment correctly.
Reminder: If you need IT assistance, please see Student ASKIT
Mark as done
Academic Integrity
This is an individual assessment, and you are expected to adhere to appropriate academic integrity processes
to acknowledge any sources of information you have used to develop your assessment.
Turnitin is a tool that identifies levels of similarity between your writing and other student assessments and
published work. All written assessments submitted online at UniSA are submitted to Turnitin. In some courses,
this is only done once the assessment is officially submitted. However, you can submit your work ahead of the
deadline to generate your own "Originality report". This enables you to check how similar your work is to other
sources. You can then withdraw the assessment to make any necessary changes and resubmit it in revised
form. Ask your course coordinator if you're unsure whether this applies to you. Note: CHS: Nursing and
Midwifery uses APA7 for referencing of all assessments.
Marking and Feedback Criteria
Assessments will be marked based on the criteria provided in the assessment rubric (see below)
Assessments will be returned through Gradebook no later than 15 days after the due date.
Late or extended submissions will be returned through Gradebook no later than 15 days after the date of