PHI-205-315: Moral Choices Forum 1
Question # 49530 | Writing | 6 months ago |
$5 |
General Instructions:m Introduce yourself, then relate to the Philosophy of Language article (first under Lessons) ini paragraph 3. STICK TO THE PARAGRAPH FORMAT AND SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS.
You must post your responses to forum questions twice in this course: Start in the Homework folder under Lessons, then after posting your 5+1paragraphs (see just below) in the dropbox there (NOT in the comments box - you may paste it in or upload a .doc/.docx/.pdf/.rtf file there (No .pages, Google docs or any other format). Review the SafeAssign report there. It will flag the quoted passage(s) in it, but if cited effectively, that's fine. Fix anything else; the program allows you to check your work. I'm trying to "catch" you, but given this functionality to help you not make or leave an error here, uncited quotes and paraphrases left uncorrected will be considered plagiarism. (please only use quotes to support what you are submitting - what you are thinkig is what you are trying to express here, not just pasting others' ideas into assignments.) Then copy and paste what you posted into the Homework Dropbox into the Discussion Board Forum accessible through the Calendar or the link on the left of your Blacklboard screen. Follow the Homework/forum posting 5 paragraph format: 1. Objective Summary, 2. Focus objectively on something particular, per specific instructions 3. Relate these readings to previously studied course material. 4. Reflect on the above subjectively, in your own terms - this part is graded for your considering not the content. 5. Compose a Discussion Question; one that cannot be answered in a word or sentenece, but must be responded to with a discussion. -- You must cite at least one quote from the assigned reading in each posting. After others have posted, post paragraph +1 Response. Respond critically (not negatively, but substantively, analytically - AND YOU MAY NOT USE LIKE/DISLIKE OR AGREE/DISAGREE WITH regarding a posting by another student) to a class mates posting. Your 5 paragraph posting is due on the date listed. Your response to another's posting in the forum is due 2 days later. Do not forget to add your response posting in the forum board into the dropbox under homework, or better, post it first into the dropbox, review as above, then cut and paste it into the discussion board as a response to the other's posting. All of this applies top all subsequent forum activity for this course.
Lateness, failure to include a cited quote and to exclude an uncited references will impact or disqualify your grade.THESE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS APPLY TO ALL SUBSEQUENT DRAFT FORUMS.
Review the SafeAssign report for this before you paste into the discussion forum.
Then copy and paste into the corresponding discussion board.
Specific instructions (Address and defend a conclusion about one of these questions below (pick one the feweat number of classmnates have done):
A. What do facts and values not have in common? What do they have in common? And not? Which of the text's listed fallacies is most likely to be a problem for a new applied ethicist?
B. What, if any, makes the practice of giving reasons to, or taking a theoretical approach to moral stances and choices correct, or useful? Are there any reasons not to have reasons support moral & ethical views and actions?
C. Relate the theories about moral realism to the kind of claims that can be made about moral and ethical matters. Is objectivity in ethics possible, or possible in degress, and if so, how is objectivity omn ethics better or preferable, or not? What is absent is there is none?
D. Details what internalism and externalism refers to, and which account has which strengths and weaknesses. Moral pedagogy and androgogy, especially remedial, present what real challenges for any ethical framework? What are the advanrtages and disadvantages involved in recognizing different kinds, p[erhaps levels, of moral development? Do you know any adult that should just follow the rules or laws, and not make judgment calls, and perhaps someone who can reasobly be counted on to make judgment calls that don't ignore rules and laws, but may nevertheless not follow them in some cases? Is moral competence an achievement that different people attain or fail to attain different degress of capabilities? See: Lessons/Unit 1/Common and Moral Obstacles to the Ethical Segment / Moral Psychology and Identity
E. What is the most convincing account of freewill, personal autonomy or agency? Does moral responsibility require an affirmative theory of freewill, and if not, how can moral responsibility exist without it? (Lessons/UInit 1/Common and Moral Obstacles to the Ethical Segment
F. Regarding assessing ethical theories or frameworks (not ethical judgments!), what are the strengths and weaknesses of Vaughn's Moral Criteria of Adequacy in the Doing Ethics text compared to the Characteristics of Sufficiency in the Rick Burnor online reading AND THE ADDITONAL ONES ON THE MCCC ETHICS GUIDE? Can you suggest the inclusion of any other criteria? USE THESE CRITERIA THROUGHOUT THE COURSE (e.g. how a theory fails which criteria in a given issue/scenario), along with these additional ones.