Leadership, Policy and Finance
Question # 49544 | Health & Medical | 8 months ago |
$25 |
Read the article uploaded (Article will be uploaded after) and using APA format/grammar/syntax/writing style write a total of 4 pages paper related to Advocacy for Patients. The paper will include the following:
Introduction- Introduce the subject. Research the subject and provide background information regarding it. References are required.
Salient Points of the article – This will include the important points the article is making and why you think they are important for nursing/nurse leaders.
Personal example – The next section will speak to how you have lived leadership advocacy. If you have no example, well then tell me how you intend to incorporate advocacy in the practice of nurse leadership for patients.
Conclusion – One paragraph tying the paper all together is required.
Page 1 – Cover page
Page 2 & 3 – The body of the text including the 4 subheadings above.
Page 4 – References are required to support/validate your discussion.
A running head is required