PHI-205-315: Moral Choices "Take Home" Exam
Question # 49553 | Writing | 3 months ago |
$15 |
All answers must be in well-formed sentences and well-formed arguments, so plan your answers wisely. Support your conclusions; don’t try to be succinct or ‘efficient’. Have more than a topic, but a thesis – your conclusion, that is supported with evincing premises. All answers should be based on the class’ assigned readings, class discussions and your own solid thinking. Please use your text, your class notes and any other reference you please, but do not just quote, paste in or simply paraphrase your responses, and use your own words to make your own answer. Show your thinking, not your memory or look-up skills. That said, you must use a quote in each response to each question - from our textbook or assigned readings on Blackboard (you may not quote from outside resources which means you cannot use them), it must be brief and include proper citation. Applying assigned terms appropriately from the EthicsToolkit add credence to your responses. Please do both: post a copy of your completed test in .doc, .docx. pdf or .rtf format to Blackboard, Lessons, Pledge! UNPLEDGED WORK WILL NOT BE GRADED. check the SafeAssign report after your submission; you are responsible for any academic integrity violations if you dio not resubmnit anty version of your responses containing any.
Answer 4 for 15 points each:
1. Differentiate and connect ‘descriptive ethics’ and both aspects of ‘normative ethics’:
2. What is the justification for the preeminence of reason in ethical study?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the dominance of moral norms?
4. Relate two studied forms of arguments to ‘knowing’ and ‘believing’:
5. Provide and explain moral examples (that you make up-not from texts) of the slippery slope and equivocation fallacies:
6. What is the challenge regarding whether or not there are any such things as: ‘moral facts’?
7. Explore the roles of and worries about intrinsic and extrinsic values:
II. Respond to 2 for 20 points each, subtotal 40.
8. Describe, differentiate and critique ‘moral isolationism’ and ‘cultural relativism’, including regarding issues of moral authority:
9. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of claims about the role of autonomy in emotivism:
10. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of divine command theory with respect to cultural relativism and the force of tradition in each of the, then argue the overall advisability of either's use today:
11. Argue for an assessment of how one any ethical theory studied thus far could meet or fail to meet as many criteria of moral adequacy as apply: