Journal entry Your Favorite Modern Sculpture
Question # 49560 | History | 7 months ago |
$10 |
Your Favorite Modern Sculpture
For this journal entry, you are going to explore modern sculpture. Like architecture, sculpture is three-dimensional. Viewing sculpture gives you a different experience than two-dimensional art, such as a photograph or a painting.
Like everyday art, you will find that modern sculpture exists all around you. You can find it in a museum or at a cultural event. You can also find it in much less formal settings. Consider a fountain at one of the parks in your area. Many businesses feature sculptures in their lobbies. Likewise, some of our famous monuments are works of modern art. Consider the Statute of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, the Charging Bull on Wall Street, and the Fearless Girl, also on Wall Street.
The purpose of these journal entries is to improve your recognition and observation of the art that is all around you.
Begin Work on Your Favorite Modern Sculpture Journal Entry
To begin work on Your Favorite Modern Sculpture journal entry:
- View Check Out the Top 25 Sculptures at MoMA, which describes sculptures in the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Then select a piece of sculpture that draws you in and explain why you selected this particular sculpture.
Identify a piece of modern sculpture that exists near you or one that you have always dreamed of visiting that draws you in. Explain why you selected this particular sculpture.
- To stimulate your thinking, see the examples listed in the introduction to this journal entry, but don't be afraid to find modern sculptures that might exist in your own backyard, so to speak.
- Share an image of the sculpture you selected and provide identifying information about the artwork and the artist.
- If your selected sculpture is one that exists in your community, you may not be able to locate information about the artwork and the artist. If this is the case, be sure to note this.
- Respond to these writing prompts on Your Favorite Modern Sculpture Template [DOCX]:
- Why did you select this piece of sculpture to share and write about?
- What do you see in this sculpture?
- Be sure to provide sufficient details.
- What do you think and feel about this sculpture?
- What meaning does this sculpture have for you?
- What message do you think the sculptor wanted to convey?
- Ensure your journal entry is clear and demonstrates good writing mechanics.
- Submit an image of your sculpture and your journal entry to the assignment area.