The seven visual elements of art
Question # 49561 | History | 8 months ago |
$5 |
From the onset and throughout this course, you've been introduced to the seven visual elements of art as the basic components of art making. These elements include: line, color, shape, form, value, space, and texture. It is impossible to create a work of art without using at least one of the seven visual elements of art.
Your Week 10 assignment requires you to select a piece of modern art from your textbook that you would like to hang on your wall at home or in your office, and then analyze your selection based on two of the seven visual elements.
To give you a head start on this assignment complete the following:
- Review the Apply the Seven Visual Elements to Art: How Do You Organize and Harmonize Your Art? assignment instructions and its scoring guide so that you understand what is expected of you. (See Week 10.)
- Select the piece of modern art from your textbook that you would like to hang on your wall in your home or office, and that you will feature in your assignment due in Week 10.
- Watch the seven short videos (most are 2-3 minutes long; the longest is 7:20) on The Elements of Art.
Please respond to the following in a post of 150 to 200 words:
- Post a screen shot of the piece of modern art you selected that you would like to hang on your wall.
- Explain your reason for selecting this particular piece of modern art. In other words, what, specifically about this piece of art speaks to you?
- Identify the two visual elements that are most prominent in the piece of art you've chosen.
- Describe how you see these two elements displayed in your selected work of art.
Note: You will be using this information from this post in your assignment due in Week 10.
In a post of 60 to 75 words, please respond to at least one other post. Choose to respond to those who have few or no responses.