PHI-205-315: Moral Choices [Midterm Examination]
Question # 49585 | Philosophy | 8 months ago |
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Moral Choices Midterm Examination-16 Howarth
All answers must be written in legible, well-formed sentences, so plan your answers wisely. All answers should be based on
the class’ assigned readings and class discussions and in the form of a well-supported argument. Consider how studied
material not specifically and explicitly present in questions may relate to your responses. The goal here is to demonstrate
your mastery of the course material and methods. Your responses should make cases, not statements. The goal here is to
demonstrate your mastery of studied course material. Fold any note sheet into the back of your test booklet when you
turn in your exam. Bring up this test sheet separately.
- Provide answers for any four of the following questions for 25 points each and a total of 100 points:
- Compare how Consequentialist and Deontological ethicists would each consider making the distinction between a ‘human’ and a ‘person’ (moral community member):
- In doctrine of double effect terms, how do a mother’s decisions and actions relate to any rights that may exist for a pre-partum developing human being, or how they don’t?
- Distinguish how an ethical relativist and a divine command ethicist would approach the issue of aborting a fetus that has been scientifically determined as having been fathered via a demon raping the now pregnant woman?
- Contrast natural law and caring-based approaches with respect to the private decision vs. public paternalism issue arguments regarding both a specific case abortion decision, as well as setting general abortion policy.
- Explain how a virtue theorist would judge whether to have an abortion or not, compared to applying Marquis’ FLO argument:
- Make an argument, in both emotivist and utilitarian terms, for how a ‘Minimally Decent Samaritan’ must act regarding a first trimester fetus:
- What moral common ground might a care-based ethicist share with a natural law ethicist regarding a requirement that all girls 10-years-old and younger who are made pregnant must have an abortion?
- Relate the difference between universal and local approaches to ethics regarding the permissibility of first trimester abortions: