Draft of Psychology Myth Literature Review
Question # 49591 | Psychology | 7 months ago |
$40 |
Turn in a draft of psychology myth. literature review.
For now, your goal is to write a literature review based on the literature you have read about your
topic. Remember that you should have 6-8 articles that you summarize in the literature
review/research summary section. You will like have an additional 2-3 articles that you cite in
the opening paragraph and significance section. So you’ll have between 8-11 articles for your
Instructions: Your final paper will consist of 6-10 pages of the following:
o Opening paragraph – Hook the reader’s interest and introduce your myth.
▪ Include a clear purpose statement (at the end of the opening paragraph)
o Significance – what is it important to study this topic? What are the implications if the
myth is supported?
o Literature review -Summarize the findings from the 6-8 research articles. Provide the
summaries of each of your articles.
▪ Make sure each paragraph connects with the next and flows back to your
myth every time
o Assessment of the methods – Briefly summarize the methods used across the studies.
Provide your critiques and evaluations – who can we generalize findings to based on who
the participants were in the students? What are limitations of the study designs and
measurement of variables?
o Conclusion - What conclusion do you make based on the studies you read? Are you
convinced that there’s enough evidence for or against your myth? Why or why not?
Below is a sample/ example of the myth literature review assignment.
And the other file contains references that should be used as part of the myth literature review assignment