Documentary Paper
Question # 49627 | Psychology | 7 months ago |
$30 |
Documentary Paper
Watch a wildlife documentary (or choose a podcast) and write a 3 - 4-page essay relating the
documentary to class concepts. It should be written like a movie or book review.
One way to structure this essay is to choose several sections from the film that illustrate a particular
concept, examples may include an animal’s specific adaptation, an animal’s unique adaptation, the
ecosystem and habitat that an animal thrives in, scientific methods used in studying this animal, how a
particular ability compares to a human ability, important issues that are raised in the film, or the human-
animal relationship.
Then describe how this concept or concepts are presented in your chosen film using examples, anecdotes,
quotes from an essay, etc. You might want to answer the question, “what has this film maker taught us
about this particular animal(s), species, psychology etc.” Then expand on concepts you have discussed
using ideas you have learned from this class, your own insights as well as insights you have gained from
watching the film. You might conclude by considering whether you would recommend this documentary
to a friend.
Your paper will be graded on organization, writing style, and thoughtfulness
This is a documentary link of a video called the BlackFish.
This video would be used to write the documentary paper.
An example of a written documentary paper is shown below.