PUBH6013 ASSESSMENT 2 [Research Proposal]
Question # 49657 | Writing | 6 months ago |
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Subject Code and Title
PUBH6013 Qualitative Research Methods in Public Health
Research Proposal
2000 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes
The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by the successful completion of the task below include:
a) Identify the role and application of various methodologies and methods of qualitative research in public health
b) Critically evaluate the public health evidence base to identify research gaps and apply qualitative research methodologies to develop a research proposal
e) Identify and apply ethical principles, scientific rigor and cultural sensitivity in qualitative research
Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 8.
Total Marks
100 marks
Assessment Task
Choose an appropriate methodology and methods based on the research question(s) formulated in Assessment 1.
Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to complete this assessment.
Conducting research in public health is important in solving health issues/problems, as it helps to identify the problems, explore the causes behind the problems and analyse/evaluate the interventions required to address the problems. Public health professionals need to develop a research proposal before conducting a research project to guide the anticipated activities.
A research proposal usually consists of multiple sections as outlined below.
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A title, which gives a clear indication of the proposed research question (undertaken in Assessment 1).
Background/Rationale, which details the background and issues of the proposed research and includes the literature review (undertaken in Assessment 1).
Research Methodology, which incorporates the research design and approach (theoretical framework), the research methods appropriate for the chosen methodology, sample and sampling and the ethical considerations.
In this assessment, you need to develop a detailed methodology (supported by background information) of a qualitative research based on the research question(s) formulated in Assessment 1. This assessment serves as an essential part of a research proposal and needs to be supported by an appropriate methodology and method.
While developing a methodology, ensure that you:
1. Retrieve the topic and research question(s) identified in Assessment 1 and develop suitable aims/objectives based on the chosen topic.
2. Provide a strong rationale as to why a qualitative study design is important for the topic chosen.
3. Mention the paradigm (interpretive framework) that is suitable to the chosen topic and describe its importance to the chosen topic.
4. Provide a detailed description of and rationale for the methodology selected.
5. Outline all the components of the methods in detail, such as the participants, sampling and sample chosen, data collection methods and techniques and data analysis plan.
6. Identify, carefully examine and explain the issues related to ethics and trustworthiness.
7. Support the writing needs with appropriate references.
While writing the methodology and methods, as a part of a research proposal, you should adopt the following format:
A) Background for developing the methodology (500 words)
1. The topic, which can be retrieved from Assessment 1 and should be clear and specific.
2. Background, which reflects the overview of and preliminary information on the topic including the contextualization of the issue/problem and the rationale for carrying out the research.
3. Research questions, which can be retrieved from Assessment 1 and should be clear and specific.
4. Aims and objectives, which need to be guided by the research question(s).
B) Detailed methodology and methods (1500 words)
1. Design
2. Paradigm
3. Methodology
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4. Participant recruitment process
o Setting
o Sample and sampling
o Inclusion and exclusion criteria
5. Data collection methods
6. Data analysis method and procedures (including, as applicable, transcription, coding, and the categorisation of data)
7. Ethics (including, as applicable, informed consent, language, anonymity and confidentiality).
8. Quality (including, as applicable, triangulation, sensitivity, reflexivity, credibility, originality and usefulness).
C) References
D) Appendices (interview guide/questions and theoretical/conceptual framework, wherever applicable).
Format Parameters
The assessment should include a cover page that states the student’s name and identification number, subject name, assessment number and name and the word count (excluding references). The document should be formatted in 12-point Arial font with 1.5 line spacing.
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing in the Academic Skills webpage.
Submission Instructions
Submit this assessment via the Assessment 2 link in the main navigation menu in the Blackboard portal of PUBH6013: Qualitative Research Methods in Public Health. Assessments sent via email or any other means will not be assessed. Your learning facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Academic Integrity
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.
Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.
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Special Consideration
To apply for special consideration for a modification to an assessment or exam due to unexpected or extenuating circumstances, please consult the Assessment Policy for Higher Education Coursework and ELICOS and, if applicable to your circumstance, submit a completed Application for Assessment Special Consideration Form to your Learning Facilitator
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Assessment Rubric
Assessment Attributes
(Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0–49%
Pass (Functional) 50–64%
Credit (Proficient) 65–74%
Distinction (Advanced) 75–84%
High Distinction (Exceptional) 85–100%
Topic, research questions and aims/objectives
Understanding of the background information and rationale for methodology
Topic and research questions are not mentioned or are irrelevant.
Aims/objectives are missing or do not match the research questions.
Topic and research questions are presented but are not clear and specific.
Aims/objectives loosely match the research questions.
Topic and research questions are clear and specific.
Aims/objectives are developed properly based on the research questions.
Topic and research questions are clear and specific.
Aims/objectives are developed clearly based on the research questions.
Topic and research questions are clear and specific.
Aims/objectives are remarkably developed based on the research questions.
Selection of paradigm and methodology (30%)
Justification of the methodology selected and logically supported by the research question(s)
No justification provided for the selection of the research design, paradigm and methodology.
Methodology does not match with the research questions presented.
Little justification provided for the selection of the research design, paradigm and methodology.
Methodology vaguely matches the research questions presented.
Good justification provided for the selection of the research design, paradigm and methodology.
Methodology aligns appropriately with the research questions presented.
Excellent justification provided for the selection of the research design, paradigm and methodology.
Methodology aligns well with the research questions presented.
Exceptional justification provided for the selection of the research design, paradigm and methodology.
Methodology aligns very closely with the research questions.
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Sample size and sampling method (10%)
Demonstration of appropriate sample size and sampling methods and justification of methodology selected
The sample size and sampling method are not presented.
The sample size and/or sampling method presented are appropriate to the methodology, but an inadequate justification is provided.
The sample size and sampling method presented are appropriate to the methodology and a good justification is provided.
The sample size and sampling method presented are well- suited to the methodology and an excellent justification is provided.
The sample size and sampling method presented are highly suited to the methodology and an exceptional justification is provided.
Data collection methods and techniques (20%)
Description of the how data will be collected from relevant sources
Methods and techniques for data collection are not described or inappropriate.
Methods and techniques for data collection are described to some extent but are not completely relevant to the research question(s).
Methods and techniques for data collection are well described and are relevant to the research question(s).
Methods and techniques for data collection are clearly described and are relevant to the research question(s).
Methods and techniques for data collection are clearly and logically described in detail and are highly relevant to the research question(s).
Data analysis plan (10%)
Selection of appropriate techniques for the data analysis that matches with the methodology and methods
Data analysis techniques are not presented or are irrelevant to the methodology and methods.
Some data analysis techniques are presented but their connection to the methodology and methods is not adequately justified.
Most of the relevant data analysis techniques are presented and have a good connection to the methodology and methods is evident.
All the relevant data analysis techniques are presented and have an excellent connection to the methodology and method.
All the relevant data analysis techniques are presented and have an exceptional connection with the methodology and method.
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Ethics and rigor (10%)
Consideration of relevant ethical components and interpretation of data quality
No or very limited incorporation of the ethical components and a poor description of the ways to address them.
No or very limited interpretation of reflexivity and how it influences data.
Limited incorporation of aspects of ethical components and a fair description of the ways to address them.
Limited interpretation of reflexivity and how it influences data.
Incorporation of most of the relevant aspects of the ethical components and an acceptable description of the ways to address them.
Good interpretation of reflexivity and how it influences data.
Incorporation of every relevant aspect of the ethical components and a good description of the ways to address them.
Very good interpretation of reflexivity and how it influences the data.
Incorporation of every relevant aspect of the ethical components and a detailed description of the ways to address them.
Thorough and insightful interpretation of reflexivity and how it influences the data.
Writing style, word count and referencing (10%)
Very poorly written with multiple errors in spelling and grammar.
Highly deviated (±75%) from the recommended word count.
Referencing is omitted or does not resemble the APA style.
Poorly written with some errors in spelling and grammar.
Some deviations (± 50%) from the recommended word count.
Referencing resembles the APA style, with frequent or repeated errors.
Well-written with minor errors in spelling and grammar.
Minor deviations (± 25%) from the recommended word count
Appropriate citations and adequate references with few minor errors in APA style.
Very well written with no errors in spelling and grammar.
No deviations (± 10%) from the recommended word count.
Appropriate citations and adequate references with no errors in APA style.
Expertly written with no errors in spelling and grammar.
No deviations (± 10%) from the recommended word count.
Highly appropriate citations and adequate references with no errors in APA style.
The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
SLO b)
Identify the role and application of various methodologies and methods of qualitative research in public health
SLO c)
Critically evaluate the public health evidence base to identify research gaps and apply qualitative research methodologies to develop a research proposal
SLO e)
Identify and apply ethical principles, scientific rigor, and cultural sensitivity in qualitative research
for this assessment
you did assess 1 too We have to use that in order to complete this
i also attached my assignment 1 in zip file
I need to conduct minimum of 3 interviews for assessment 2
I will get the interviews done cause I have to provide the interview evidence too.
And I will provide the transcripts to you in few days
3 interviews is for other subject
Please wait until I give you the interviews. To conduct the interviews I need Interview questions as well.
Interview should last atleast for 30 mins
From Assessment 1, 2, 3 briefs give me the questions