DHI502 ASSESSMENT 2 Video presentation and analytical report
Question # 49667 | Writing | 4 months ago |
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Subject Code and Title
DHI502 Advanced Health Informatics
Video presentation and analytical report
2–3 min video presentation and analytical report
(2000 words +/-10%)
Learning Outcomes
This assessment addresses the following Subject Learning Outcomes:
a) Critically analyse health informatics in Australian and global contexts.
b) Discuss innovative digital methods in health informatics as applied to clinical, ageing, nursing and population health practices.
d) Investigate the effectiveness of a participatory health informatics method in the curent Australian context
e) Critically analyse the role of health informaticians in digital health informatics.
f) Demonstrate inter and intra-professional collaboration and communication to reflect on Australian health informatics practices.
Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 8.
Total Marks
100 marks
Assessment Task
In this assessment, you will apply an informatics tool to visualise results from a data set and explain the interpretation from a public health perspective in a 2–3 min presentation and a 2000 (±10%) word report excluding references.
The assessment prepares health professionals to better understand how to visualise/interpret data using a tool in order to inform professional decision-making in the public health context.
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Step 1: Go to this World Health Organization (WHO) link to review the tool. WHO. (2021). About SCORE. https://score.tools.who.int/about/
Review the information, tools and visualisations available via this link.
Step 2: Navigate to this link:
WHO. (2021). SCORE dashboard. https://www.who.int/data/data-collection- tools/score/dashboard#/
WHO’s SCORE (Survey, Count, Optimise, Review, Enable) dashboard enables you to make comparative analysis for different countries using a map visualisation based on multiple parameters. The data was gathered using these steps: survey population and health risks; count the number of births, deaths and causes of death; optimise health service data; review progress and performance; and enable data use for policy and action.
Undertake a comparative analysis for two (2) selected countries or two (2) regions, based on at least 3 parameters. If you are comparing two countries, ensure that they are similar in demographic profiles and health systems (e.g. they both have universal health care). Take screenshots of the process (screen-by-screen to show how you chose and compared) indicating what you did (choice of data for comparison, parameters, etc.).
Prepare a pre-recorded video presentation using the screenshots incorporated into PowerPoint slides and recorded using Zoom or Kaltura.
Step 3: Write an analytical report (2000 ±10% words).
Structure of the report
1. Introduction (500 words)
• Introduce and summarise the SCORE tool and its use.
• State your query from the tool – What are you looking for? – with a rationale for selecting the chosen parameters and how these will work together to answer your query.
• Summarise the process of generating a comparison in a paragraph (from Step 2).
Screenshots of the process undertaken to generate the comparisons (Step 2) can be used in this section, drawn as appropriate from the PowerPoint slides and screenshots (as relevant) in the section as figures, tables OR as appendices.
2. Analytical Discussion (1300 words)
• Document the country or region comparisons. Describe your findings in detail. What did you find when comparing the 2 countries or regions? Interpret each finding through the chosen parameters.
To validate and enhance your work, use resources from these pages.
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WHO. (2021). Data stories – Insights and visualisations. https://www.who.int/data/stories
WHO. (2021). Data reports. https://www.who.int/data#reports
1. Conclusion (200 words)
Provide a summary that relates back to the original query that you used the tool for.
It is essential that you use appropriate APA 7th Ed. style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing in the Academic Skills webpage.
Submission Instructions
Submit the video recording and the report as two files via the link provided for DHI502 Advanced Health Informatics. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Academic Integrity
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia’s Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.
Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.
Special Consideration
To apply for special consideration for a modification to an assessment or exam due to unexpected or extenuating circumstances, please consult the Assessment Policy for Higher Education Coursework and ELICOS and, if applicable to your circumstance, submit a completed Application for Assessment Special Consideration Form to your Learning Facilitator.
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Assessment Attributes
(Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0–49%
Pass (Functional)
Credit (Proficient)
Distinction (Advanced)
High Distinction (Exceptional)
Knowledge and understanding of health informatics methods
Demonstrates a partially- developed understanding by summarising activities undertaken in using the tool. Does not provide justifications for using the tool and focus of the interpretation is unclear.
Demonstrates a functional knowledge in summarising the activities undertaken in using the tool.
Minimum rationale for choosing parameters, countries/regions and focus of interpretation (query).
Demonstrates proficient knowledge by explaining the activities undertaken in using the tool.
Briefly summarises the rationale for choosing parameters and countries/regions; focus of interpretation (query) is provided.
Demonstrates advanced knowledge by summarising the objectives and functionalities of the tool; describes how the activities were undertaken.
Explains the rationale for choosing parameters and countries/regions; focus of interpretation is very clear and defined.
Demonstrates exceptional knowledge by explaining the objectives of the tool and its functionalities; describes how the activities were undertaken.
Elaborates on the rationale for choosing parameters and countries/regions; focus of interpretation is well-developed.
Synthesis of new knowledge
Limited synthesis and analysis of new knowledge; minimum/limited
/irrelevant sources are visible.
No demonstration of knowledge/integration of SCORE parameters with country healthcare
initiatives (health
Demonstrated analysis and synthesis of new knowledge in the analysis, drawing from sources linked in the brief Some knowledge/integration of SCORE parameters with country healthcare initiatives (health informatics, digital health, health systems, etc) Attempted validation using WHO data sources.
Well-developed analysis and synthesis of new knowledge in the analysis, drawing from relevant sources provided in the brief.
Good knowledge/integration of SCORE parameters with country healthcare initiatives (health informatics, digital health, health systems, etc)
Good effort to validate using WHO data sources.
Thoroughly developed and creative analysis and synthesis with relevant new knowledge in the analysis, drawing from relevant sources indicated in the brief and some additional research.
Well-developed Knowledge/integration of
SCORE parameters with country healthcare
Highly sophisticated and creative analysis with synthesis of new knowledge from multiple sources, including links from the brief, as well as relevant and current sources from wider research.
Highly-developed knowledge and integration of SCORE parameters with country healthcare initiatives (health informatic,
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informatics, digital health, health systems, etc)
Validation using WHO data sources is absent.
initiatives (health informatics, digital health, health systems, etc.).
Well-developed validation using WHO data sources.
digital health, health systems, etc.).
Highly-developed validation with WHO data sources.
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Effective Communication (Presentation/Oral)
Presentation of activities conducted
Difficult for audience to understand; no logical and clear structure, poor explanation
Specialised language rarely or inaccurately used.
Presentation material is not developed as directed.
The presentation is unclear.
Presentation is sometimes difficult to follow. Flow is not logical and clear.
Uses some specialised language and terms with accuracy.
Generally accurate presentation material. Presentation is clear, though not well-paced.
Presentation is easy to follow and clear. Mostly clear flow when explaining the activities. Accurately used specialised language and terminology.
Somewhat engaging presentation material.
Presentation is clear and well- paced
Engages interest. Presentation is logical and clear in explaining the activities.
Accurately used a wide range of specialised language and terminology. Used succinct, styled and engaging presentation material that incorporate a range of elements.
Presentation is clear and well-paced
Engages and sustains interest. Clear, confident and persuasive delivery. Expertly presented; the presentation is logical, persuasive and well- supported by evidence, demonstrating a clear explanation of activities.
Selects and precisely utilises a wide range of specialised language and terminology.
Used relevant, creative, clear presentation material, integrating all elements.
Presentation is clear, consistent and well-paced.
Correct citation of key resources and evidence
Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop
Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well-
Demonstrates use of credible resources to support and develop ideas.
Referencing resembles APA, with occasional errors.
Demonstrates use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and
Demonstrates use of high-quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and position statements.
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Referencing is omitted or does not resemble APA.
Referencing resembles APA, with frequent or repeated
APA referencing is free from errors.
APA referencing is free from errors.