Question # 49701 | Writing | 6 months ago |
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Assignment 1 - Competency Self-Assessment
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Competency Self Assessment
The goal for this project is to determine the level of competency attainment you have realized throughout your program of study in each of the critical domains of the program's competency model.
- Review Leadership Competencies for Healthcare Services Managers, the competency model the Master of Science in Healthcare Administration is built upon, and the competency self-assessment that you submitted in HCAD500 at the start of your graduate studies.
- Download, complete, and submit the Competency Self Assessment attached to this assignment area.
This assessment will be used to identify areas of strength and areas where you might need some professional skill development as well as help you in formulating a career development plan.
Please note that there are no right or wrong answers to this assessment. For EACH development area of the Competency Self Assessment, provide a robust explanation of how you have progressed and have demonstrated competence in the five (5) critical domains and associated competencies. Additionally, identify domains and associated competencies where improvement is needed. Explain how you will demonstrate and develop your level of competence in those domains and associated competencies where improvement is needed.
Rate yourself as a novice, competent, or expert in each area:
• Novice (1) – An individual's primary focus is understanding and gaining information to comprehend the skills needed. You have the level of experience gained in a classroom setting or on-the-job training. You are expected to need help when performing this skill.
• Competent (3) – People with considerable experience develop competence in solving problems within the learned guidelines and rules. You can successfully complete the competency as requested. Help from experts may be required from time to time, but you can usually perform the skill independently.
• Expert (5) – Experts work intuitively analyzing, recognizing patterns, critiquing, and solving problems with ideas and expertise. You are known as the expert in this area. You can provide guidance, troubleshoot, and answer questions related to this competency.
If you feel you fall somewhere between each category, then you select either a "2" or "4."
** Please note, this assignment will be graded on completeness as this is an assessment of your own growth throughout this program. There are 5 sections, therefore each section is worth 20%. Failure to complete a section in its entirety will result in the deduction of 20% for each section not completed.
Due on Aug 8, 2024 11:59 PM
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I also attached the old assessment from HCAD500 and a blank assessment form for this assignment.