Question # 49733 | Writing | 5 months ago |
$5 |
Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate an understanding of the Army Health System (AHS).
Background Information
Discussion boards are an important tool in facilitating student learning in an online environment. Your participation allows you to demonstrate understanding of course material through contributing to an ongoing discussion.
According to FM 3-0, the Army accomplishes its mission by supporting the
joint force in four strategic roles: shape operational environments, prevent
conflict, conduct large-scale ground combat operations, and consolidate
In your initial discussion post, explain how the AHS supports shape
operational environments by choosing two key medical considerations and
expound on your selections (two separate paragraphs). Add to the
discussion thread by responding to your peers.
Army Health System Lesson
FM 4-02, Appendix A
Expectations 1. You must submit an initial response to the discussion. Your
initial response must:
-be a minimum of 250 words (We are looking for body content. Your
listed reference at the bottom of your post will not count toward this word
-state your Rank and Name in the subject line (ex. SSG Jones, Avery).
-include an APA formatted, scholarly reference and in-text citation to
support your post (use a reference in addition to the FM and the
2. After you have posted an initial response, reply to two of your peers
(you must reply to their initial response).
Each reply must:
-be a minimum of 200 words (salutations are not included
in your word count).
-open each post with the Rank/Name of the student you are addressing
and close each reply with your Rank/Name.
-your first three posts (initial response and two replies) will be graded.
-References and in-text citations are not needed in replies.
All posts must be submitted by typing or copy/pasting your response in the
text box. Do not attach Word documents.
*This discussion will be evaluated on the expectations listed above and the
assignment rubric*
Video link is here: