Advance Holistic Nursing Research
Question # 49738 | Health & Medical | 5 months ago |
$30 |
1) State briefly the problem you plan to address for your research topic
"In veteran patients with chronic pain, how does the implementation of complementary integrative intervention compare to traditional narcotic pain management affects patient pain level and quality of life."
2) Explain the significance of the research problem using research literature; Describe who you are as an Advanced Holistic Nurse in relation to what and who you are studying and how you think your personal background and experience may affect your research.
3) State and examine your goals and assumptions as they relate to your study; and
4) Connect the research topic to caring science.
The best way to approach this assignment is to follow the guidelines below. First, write a brief introduction, one paragraph or about half a page. Use a subheading: Introduction. The introduction best begins with a statement about the significance of caring science as a foundation for advancing nursing science. In a sentence or two, identify the phenomenon of interest you will address in your paper. End the introduction with a purpose statement: “The purpose of this paper is to (name the phenomenon of interest) and relate this topic to caring science.” The introduction should be less than one page.
In the second part of the paper (Use the subheading; Phenomenon of Interest and Significance) restate the research problem. One of the most important parts of a dissertation proposal is having a clear statement of the problem that the study will address. The phenomenon of interest or concern is usually a problem statement set within a discussion of the background or context to the problem and a statement of its significance. It is common to see Background, Problem, and Significance as separate subheads in a proposal. In the second part of the paper address: What is the background of the problem? Why is this problem important or significant to address. Some demographics and statistics describing the scope, extent of the problem is important to include. What are the consequences or the problems to human health if this problem is not addressed? How will your study contribute new or additional knowledge in understanding or addressing this problem? A statement of the problem need not be simple, but it must be clear, and it must be explicit. These questions should be seen to be logically linked to the overall problem and should be as precise and clear as possible, within the bounds of the overall approach to the inquiry. This section of the paper should be 2 to 3 pages in length.
The third section of the paper (Use the Subheading “Personal Perspective”) addresses who you are in relation to what and who you are studying. It is influenced by your personal history, your previous experiences (especially those pertinent to your study topic), and your cultural worldview. The emphasis is on you in relation to your research topic/participants. For example, what prior experiences have you had that are relevant to your topic or setting? What assumptions about your topic or setting have resulted from these experiences? What goals have emerged from these, or have otherwise become important for your research? How have these experiences, assumptions, and goals shaped your decision to choose this topic, and the way you are approaching this project? What potential advantages do you think the goals, beliefs, and experiences that you described have for your study? What potential disadvantages do you think these may create for you, and how might you deal with these?” This section can be addressed in no more than one page.
In the final major section of the paper (Phenomenon of Interest and Caring Science), relate your phenomenon of interest (research problem) to caring science, by choosing a caring science theorist (Ex. Boykin & Schoenhofer; Watson, Smith, Roach, Leininger, Ray, Butcher and others) to make the point that caring science is an essential domain in nursing. Define and explain what caring science is. Reference your sources. How is your phenomenon of concern related to caring science? Conclude your paper by stating how does addressing the research problem contribute to or advance caring nursing science. This section can be 1 to 1.5 pages.
This paper is to be scholarly and will need to be concise. This will be only a 5-6 pages excluding title page and references (double spaced with one-inch margins). Use APA style throughout. Papers are to have a title page, running header, page numbers, and a references page/s using APA style.
Attach the Grading Rubric to the end of Paper 1 in Word Format (Will attach Rubric)