2024F BIO-201-050: Microbiology [ Class Assignment 1-Unit 1 ]
Question # 49759 | Writing | 3 months ago |
$3 |
Class Assignments are to be submitted individually. No Collaboration with other students. Plagarized submissions will be reported to the Academic Integrity Committee and receive a 0 for both individuals Please use your notes from Unit 1 to answer the questions in short answers. Don’t use outside resources; use your lecture notes. Answers that have come from outside resources will not receive any credit. All of the answers are found in your lecture notes. Use them! Total of 10 pts.
1A-Each question has two parts and is worth 2 pts
1. What are the two purposes of heat fixing a slide before staining?
2. Why are bacteria with capsules virulent? What stain is used to observe a capsule?
3. Name 2 factors that would enable a microbe to be used as a bioterroristic agent.
4. What is bioremediation? What is “normal flora”?
5. My instructor gave me a Gram – rod to Gram stain. After staining the sample, I was not able to see any cells even though I added enough of the sample. I realized that instead of adding 4 reagents I only added 3. Which reagent did I forget? What color does a Gram negative bacteria stain? Refer to Fig. 3.13.