POT 3203 Week 1
Question # 49764 | Writing | 5 months ago |
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Week 1 Part A
POT 3203 Fall 2024
Week 1 Module
THEME: What is an Ideology?
Before Course Assignment in Webcourses by Friday 8/23.
Quizzes and Part A Questions: Monday 8/26 at 11:30 pm in Webcourses.
Part B posts: Wednesday 8/28 in Yellowdig. NOTE: The Yellowdig Week 1 Window opens on Thursday 8/22 and closes on Wed. 8/28 at 11:30 PM.
You cannot do well in the course without following these guides.
Ball et al. chapter 1 Ideology and Ideologies
Webcourses for the weekly quiz and for answering Part A reading comprehension questions. Webcourses is basically where you demonstrate you understood the week’s readings by taking a quiz and answering reading comprehension questions where you put into your own words the gist of what the assigned materials says about the specific issue raised. This is where you demonstrate understanding of the assigned materials.
Part B in Yellowdig. This is where you “make meaning” (comment, evaluate, criticize, embrace, etc.) out of the materials by:
PART B DEADLINE: Always the Wednesday following the Part A deadline.
Task-1: Answer the instructor’s question of the week. It is pinned at the top of the community.
Task-2: Post other comments you may have about the assigned readings.
Task-3: Comment on classmates' answers to the instructor's question OR on theri original comments.
To make a post, you must fist click on the button CREATE and then select the related topic.
WEEK 1 LEARNING OBJECTIVES (useful to prepare the quiz and focus your reading/comments)
This should help you prepare the quiz. After completing these lessons, students should be able to:
L-1: Describe what the term ideology originally meant
L-2: Define the term ideology, as it will be used in this course
L-3: Identify the four functions of a political ideology
L-4: Specify the connection between ideology and human nature
L-5: Discern the link between different ideologies and their respective understandings of
L-6: Understand the connection between ideology and revolutionary political changes
L-7: Understand that ideologies use or deploy essentially contested concepts in a manner tending to obscure that essentially contested nature.
PART A TASKS in Webcourses Use the Reply button at the bottom of this page to post your answer(s).
Deadline: Monday 8/26 at 11:30 pm in this Discussion Board.
Q-0: Is there an idea or a claim expressed in the readings that you find confusing or unclear? If so, tell us which idea this is. Cite the document title and page where you encountered this idea. We cannot help you if the description of what is unclear is overly broad. No word minimum. You do not need to answer this question. If everything is clear, there is no point in answering.
Q-1: What do ideologies do? Describe their functions.
200 of your own words minimum. Strictly enforced. State your word count. Avoid using Artificial Intelligence for this and all other submissions in this course. We want to develop your skills and voice as an author.
NOTE: Your Part A Q-1 answer is graded 50% for content accurately reflecting the textbook's information and 50% for good writing. Compose your answer first in Words before uploading it in Webcourses. Use the Spelling and Grammar function in Words to help improve the writing. Type “Spelling and Grammar” in the top search window in your Words document to access the function.
PART B TASKS in Yellowdig by Wednesday 8/28
NOTE: The Yellowdig Period for this module opens on Thursday 8/22. Do not post before the window opens.
See Guide in Files Tips for Posting Part B.
Part B Task-1: Answer the Instructor Question (pinned at the top of the page).
This Week 1 instructor's question is:
Are human beings competitive or cooperative by nature? By nature means as distinguished from the influence of the historically and geographically specific culture that surrounds them at any given point in time and place.
What empirical evidence do you rely on to answer this question? Can you provide evidence of willing cooperation between human beings? Evidence of ruthless competitive behavior? Evidence of both from the same human groupings?
Can we even answer this type of question with anything more than evidence-free preconceptions? If so, what does this imply for the validity of ideologies building their systems of ideas on ungrounded conceptions of human nature?
SOURCE: Ball et al., p. 12.
Part B Task-2: Post other comments you may have about the assigned readings.
Part B Task-3: Comment on classmates' answers to the instructor's question OR on theri original comments.
To make a post in Yellowdig, you must fist click on the button CREATE and then select the related topic. Only the instructor can create topics.