Question # 49770 | Writing | 4 months ago |
$4 |
Purpose An Information Paper is used to provide the reader pertinent facts in a clear
and concise format. IAW TRADOC Regulation 1-11 write an Information
Topic During ADM, commanders and their staffs use a set of intellectual tools
known as the elements of operational art. Commanders and staffs apply
these elements to understand an operational environment and problems and
to visualize and describe an operational approach.
In your Information Paper, answer:
What are the elements of operational art?
Army Design Methodology Lesson
ATP 5-0.1
TRADOC Regulation (TR) 1-11, Chapter 3-6
AR 25-50
Expectations 1. Using a new sterile MS Word document, write an Information Paper on
the topic above. Your paper must:
-be at least one full page
-follow the formatting guidelines in TR 1-11 in addition to AR 25-50
-follow rules of grammar, spelling, and punctuation (run a spelling and
grammar check before submission)
-use NCOA-DL for the office symbol
-use Colonel Phyllis E. Schultz for the “Approved by:” name
Note – spacing after punctuation; AR 25-50 calls for once space. TR 1-11
calls for two spaces. Either is acceptable but must be consistent.
Note – passive voice is checked via Word software tool.
2. Upload and submit your Information Paper as a MS Word document for
grading in blackboard. Verify that you have uploaded the correct document
before clicking submit. Only one attempt is authorized for this assignment.
*This assignment will be evaluated on the expectations above and the rubric