2024F BIO-201-050: Microbiology [ Class Assignment 2: Unit 2 ]
Question # 49780 | Writing | 5 months ago |
$3 |
Class Assignments are to be submitted individually. No Collaboration with other students. Plagarized submissions will be reported to the Academic Integrity Committee and receive a 0 for both individuals Please use your notes from Unit 2 to answer the questions in short answers. Don’t use outside resources; use your lecture notes. Answers that have come from outside resources will not receive any credit. All of the answers are found in your lecture notes. Use them! Total of 10 pts.
2A-Each question has two parts and is worth 2 pts
1. Name 2 negative features of fungi.
2. Name an asexual spore. Name a sexual spore. Make sure you specify each.
3. What is a fomite? Give an example of a fomite.
4. How is a Tinea or ringworm infections transmitted? How is it treated?
5. Case study: A male high school wrestler notices a dry scaly ring-like lesion on his forearm. He tries treating it with Bacitracin, an over the counter anti-bacterial antibiotic ointment. After several weeks, he notices that it has not improved. Several athletes on the team report to the coach similar lesions on their legs, arms and faces. What microbe is suspected? How might this microbe have spread from one team member to another?