Question 1
Launch SPSS and load the "ANES2016small.sav" data set. Run the code to produce the example output from Section 8.2 of the workbook.
a) Calculate the Chi-squared test for the output presented in Figure 8.4. Report the results of the test and write about what it tells you about the theory that voters in union households are more likely to support candidates from the left.
b) A commonly expressed theory of politics is that people who are dissatisfied with the performance of the legislature are more likely to vote for candidates who are political outsiders. Test the theory using the variables "StronglyDisapproveCongress" (coded 1 for respondent reporting they strongly disapprove of the way Congress is doing its job) and "V2Trump". Produce an appropriate table and report the results from a Chi-square test. Write about what the analysis tells you about the theory in question.
Question 2
In SPSS load the "govts.sav" data set.
a) Run the code to produce Figure 8.1 from the textbook Copy and paste these figures into your word processing document.*
b) A common theory in politics is that governments which contain the party that won the most votes in the last election will have more of an electoral mandate and will thus last longer. Test this theory with a hypothesis test using the variable "eptyplur" (coded 1 if the party with the most votes is in the government 0 otherwise) and "govtime". Produce the appropriate figures and table to show what you found and report the results from a t-test. Write about what this analysis tells you about the theory in question.
*The question in the textbook asks for replication of Figures 8.1 and 8.2, but the workbook does not provide the code to create Figure 8.2. Therefore, that portion of the question is not required for the exercise.